Worker Rights
Shared as part of the Agricultural Justice Project's AJP Toolkit at Free to use, share, and adapt as long as you give credit to the original authors. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Original authors of resources shared here retain all original rights to their work.
AJP Standards for workers
Landing page for workers seeking more information on the AJP standards.
¿Qué ofrecen las Normas de Certificación de Justicia Alimentaria a les trabajadores agrícolas?
Las Normas de Certificación de Justicia Alimentaria describen las condiciones laborales justas para les trabajadores agrícolas, así como también prácticas justas para los negocios que compran de las granjas. Estas normas están escritas y son mantenidas por trabajadores agrícolas, agricultores a escala comunitaria y otras partes interesadas.
Les empleadores agrícolas deben estar en cumplimiento total de las leyes federales, estatales y locales cubriendo las condiciones laborales de les empleades, salario mínimo y compensación, licencia, vivienda, y así sucesivamente.
Summary: AJP standards for workers
Short summary of the AJP’s standards for fair working conditions for employees in farm and food businesses.
Self-Assessment Checklist: Farms
This checklist is designed as a tool to help farmers run through the AJP labor standards to identify any areas they may need to work on prior to seeking Food Justice Certification.
el Compromiso de tu Empleadore con las Prácticas Laborales Justas
Spanish-language poster required for display at Food Justice Certified businesses. Also available as a pamphlet for training workers in their rights and privileges under the program.
AJP Workplace Poster and Training Pamphlet
Poster required for display at Food Justice Certified businesses. Also works as a pamphlet for training workers in their rights and privileges under the program.