Living Wages
Shared as part of the Agricultural Justice Project's AJP Toolkit at Free to use, share, and adapt as long as you give credit to the original authors. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Original authors of resources shared here retain all original rights to their work.
Strategies to get fair compensation for workers and owners
As part of my technical assistance role at the Agricultural Justice Project, I frequently coach farmers on how to achieve living wages and fair working conditions, both for their employees and for themselves. Implementing fair working conditions seems easier than fair wages, not least because many policy changes don’t come with direct costs, and employees themselves can help with the managerial burden of planning and training. Many fair practices also hold out the promise of improving the bottom line over the medium to long term, as I describe below.
CSA Charter
A pact between a farm and a community. A resource and an invitation for customers to connect more deeply with a farm and support it to provide good food and fair livelihoods.
What farmers want from wholesale buyers
On the challenges that small-scale producers face selling to institutional and wholesale buyers and the specific forms of support and accommodation that they feel they need from these buyers.
What Farmers Are Doing to Raise Wages
Strategies and tactics for improving farms’ bottom line, paying workers and farmers better, and retaining a committed team.