Shared as part of the Agricultural Justice Project's AJP Toolkit at Free to use, share, and adapt as long as you give credit to the original authors. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Original authors of resources shared here retain all original rights to their work.
Democratic Management Guide
This guide was created to support managers of conventional companies that have recently transitioned to a worker-owned cooperative… It may also be useful for any company that wants to learn how to increase its democratic practices. Includes practical activities, assessment tools, planning checkpoints, and meeting instructions to improve your workplace.
From Conflict to Cooperation
The From Conflict to Co-operation series aims to help co-operatives not only to deal with conflict when it arises but also to avoid unnecessary conflict.
Cooperatives & Cooperative Farming
Introduction to Faith Gilbert’s short book Cooperative Farming: Frameworks for Working Together.
Resilient Relational Systems
Skills and practices for relating that are necessary for long term sustainability, success and wellness on any farm.