Conflict Resolution
Shared as part of the Agricultural Justice Project's AJP Toolkit at Free to use, share, and adapt as long as you give credit to the original authors. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Original authors of resources shared here retain all original rights to their work.
Community Agreements
Community agreements are an important part of building a healthy culture of collaboration. Here are a few examples of and resources for writing your own community agreements.
Courageous Conversations
A courageous conversation is a conversation held with the intention of unpacking an event that troubled, hurt, mystified, or worried the person asking for the courageous conversation, with the intention of creating an improved relationship or improved performance with the other person as well as dispelling myths and false assumptions.
Podcast: Tools for Conflict Resolution
Podcast interview with authors of In It Together: A Framework for Conflict Resolution in Movement-Building Groups.
Sample Conflict Resolution Policy
This straightforward conflict resolution policy is a great starting place for any business without an established policy of their own, and we include it as part of AJP’s Model Handbook for Farm Employees.
Tools for Conflict Resolution
Conflict is a natural, healthy and necessary part of any group dynamic when people are able to practice accountability. Groups that wish to cultivate a culture of accountability should articulate a shared set of practices or norms and embed these in all aspects of the group’s structure and function.
Defusing Conflict on the Farm
Gandhi Institute and the Agricultural Justice Project present helpful tips to defuse conflicts on the farm.
Direct Communication in Conflict
To communicate directly when in a conflict is to engage with others in a way that is clear, explicit, unambiguous and honest AND maintains connection with the other person. It is to demonstrate care about the impact of your words on the other person, while at the same time speaking your truth.
From Conflict to Cooperation
The From Conflict to Co-operation series aims to help co-operatives not only to deal with conflict when it arises but also to avoid unnecessary conflict.
Community Agreements / Acuerdos Comunitarios
Our Community Agreements have been created by Rock Steady farmers and staff to ensure that we are upholding our commitment to center the safety and inclusion of Queer, Trans and BIPOC people in agriculture and do our best to create a safer space for all folks to be in relationship with the land. We invite all Rock Steady Farm visitors to honor these principles with us.
Real Talk Protocol
Real Talk is where people give and receive honest feedback on the work they’ve done individually and organizationally.