Shared as part of the Agricultural Justice Project's AJP Toolkit at Free to use, share, and adapt as long as you give credit to the original authors. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Original authors of resources shared here retain all original rights to their work.
Podcast: Tools for Conflict Resolution
Podcast interview with authors of In It Together: A Framework for Conflict Resolution in Movement-Building Groups.
Tools for Conflict Resolution
Conflict is a natural, healthy and necessary part of any group dynamic when people are able to practice accountability. Groups that wish to cultivate a culture of accountability should articulate a shared set of practices or norms and embed these in all aspects of the group’s structure and function.
Community Agreements / Acuerdos Comunitarios
Our Community Agreements have been created by Rock Steady farmers and staff to ensure that we are upholding our commitment to center the safety and inclusion of Queer, Trans and BIPOC people in agriculture and do our best to create a safer space for all folks to be in relationship with the land. We invite all Rock Steady Farm visitors to honor these principles with us.
Safer Space Agreements / Espacio Más Seguro
Our goal is for Soul Fire Farm to be a supportive, nonviolent, and inclusive space for all who participate. Everyone who comes to the farm is expected to engage other humans, species, and the land with respect.
Sexual Harassment Policy
Sample sexual harassment policy, lightly adapted from A Legal Guide to the Business of Farming in Vermont by Annette Higby, and part of AJP’s Model Handbook for Farm Employees.
Simple Disciplinary Process
Excerpted from the AJP’s Model Handbook for Farm Employees. See also our discussion of just cause dismissal.
Disciplinary Action or Dismissal #
No employee who has completed a probationary period shall be discharged or otherwise disciplined without just and sufficient cause. If the discharge or disciplinary act is found to be unjustified, the worker may be reinstated and may be compensated for loss of earnings during the period of such discharge or disciplinary act.