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Feedback Skills for Anti-Racist Managers

Feedback Skills for Anti-Racist Managers

From Dragonfly Partners. Shared as part of In It Together: A Framework For Conflict Transformation In Movement-Building Groups

Feedback defined #

Feedback is information about the impact of an individual’s past behavior that may influence that individual’s behavior in the future.

Feedback is helpful when:

  • The behavior or situation really matters (it is having a significant impact)
  • The behavior or situation is on-going (it is something that is continuing over time)
  • The behavior or situation has a racialized dimension

Preparing to GIVE Feedback #

Clarify your goal.  

  • There should be a work or project-related reason
  • Your intention should be:
    • to empower the other person with honest information
    • to express appreciation, honor competence and reinforce behavior that you or the organization are looking for
    • to align expectations and priorities
    • to provide information about what is working less well, or what needs to be improved, that can be used to modify behavior and lead to a different outcome
    • to fill gaps in knowledge so that you can address problems together
    • to connect
  • Your intention should NOT be to change them

To continue reading, see Dragonfly Partners’ Google Doc.