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Hiring & On-boarding

Hiring & On-boarding

This section describes what you need to do in order to be an employer and hire employees, both by law and according to the AJP’s standards.

Pages in this section

From Legal to Fair
Introduction to the Hiring & On-boarding section of the toolkit.
Employee Paperwork
Required paperwork and filings for hiring workers.
Hiring Policies
Policies and labor practices related to hiring employees.
Work Agreements
Written notice, required by law and by FJC, that covers the basic information about employment.
Wages, Hours, & Pay
Policies and regulations related to pay and work hours of farm employees.
Living Wages
Defining living wages and explaining FJC standards related to wages.
Required Postings
Documents and notices you must display in the workplace.
Employee, Contractor, or Intern?
Different regulations and requirements apply depending on the category of work performed and the employment/contractor status of hired help.
Worker Rights
Rights of workers and obligations of employers.
Seasonal/PT Workers
Special considerations for seasonal and part-time employees.
Respectful Workplace
AJP requires respectful treatment of everyone on the farm.
Health & Safety
Legal and FJC requirements for health and safety on farms.
Trainings: Rights & Safety
Trainings in safety and worker rights mandated under US law and FJC standards.
Reviews & Evaluations
AJP standards require that farm employers perform regular reviews and evaluations of employees, once a year at a minimum.
AJP requires that employers pay for workers compensation, disability, and unemployment coverage, social security, sick leave (a minimum of 5 days (3.3.3.d.); employers must offer unpaid leave for longer periods or maternity or paternity leave.
Food & Housing
FJC and legal requirements regarding employer-provided food and housing.
Legal Resources
Additional resources to help you find legal guidance relating to farm and ranch workplaces.
All Resources
All links and resources from Hiring & On-boarding toolkit pages.